Sight vs Sound
Which information dominates in evaluating performance in music? Both experts and laypeople consistently report believing that sound should be the most important domain when judging music competitions, but experimental studies of Western participants rating video-only vs. audio-only versions of 6-second excerpts of Western classical performances have shown that in at least some cases visual information can play a stronger role. However, whether this phenomenon applies generally to music competitions or is restricted to specific repertoires or contexts is disputed. In our research, we focus on testing the generalizability of sight vs. sound effects by replicating previous studies of classical piano competitions with Japanese participants, while also expanding the same paradigm using new examples from competitions of a traditional Japanese folk musical instrument, the Tsugaru shamisen...
Music and Evolution
Culture evolves, but the existence of cross-culturally general regularities of cultural evolution is debated. As a diverse but universal cultural phenomenon, music provides a novel domain to test for the existence of such regularities. Folk song melodies can be thought of as culturally transmitted sequences of notes that change over time under the influence of cognitive and acoustic/physical constraints. Modeling melodies as evolving sequences constructed from an “alphabet” of 12 scale degrees allows us to quantitatively test for the presence of cross-cultural regularities using a sample of 10,062 melodies from musically divergent Japanese and English (British/American) folk song traditions. Our analysis identifies 328 pairs of highly related melodies, finding that note changes are more likely when they have smaller impacts on a song’s melody. Specifically, (1) notes with stronger rhythmic functions are less likely to change, and (2) note substitutions are most likely between neighboring notes. We also find that note insertions/deletions (“indels”) are more common than note substitutions, unlike genetic evolution where the reverse is true. Our results are consistent across English and Japanese samples despite major differences in their scales and tonal systems. These findings demonstrate that even a creative art form such as music is subject to evolutionary constraints analogous to those governing the evolution of genes, languages, and other domains of culture.
World's musical scales
The structure of musical scales has been proposed to reflect universal bioacoustic principles based on simple integer ratios. However, some researchers who have studied tuning in small samples of non-Western cultures have argued that such ratios are instead specific to Western music. To address this debate, we algorithmically analyzed and cross-culturally compared scale tunings within a global sample of 124 music recordings, including both instrumental and vocal music. Although we found great cross-cultural diversity in most scale degrees, we also found a strong cross-cultural tendency to include the simplest possible integer ratios within the octave (3:2 ratio [perfect 5th] and 4:3 ratio [perfect 4th]). This suggests that cultural diversity in musical scales is not without limit, but is constrained by general bioacoustic principles, such as harmonic consonance in group performance, that may shed light on the evolution of human music.